This four-year-old, still young, son of Canturano stands out due to his light-footedness. He is interestingly bred having in his dam’s line the KWPN-stallion Montreux who, ridden by Eric van der Vleuten and Jeroen Dubbeldam, had successes at international level. He also goes back to the worldfamous Carthago. In Danturano’s pedigree the bloodlines of strong jumping horse producers such as Canturano, Montreux and Carthago come together. Danturano has developed into an exceptionally talented jumping horse that has inherited all the correct jumping genes. He successfully took part in the Stal Hendrix competition.
Canturano | Canturo | Cantus |
Fara | ||
Madonna IV | Cariano | |
Zalme | ||
Walentine H ster |
Montreux | Hinault |
Iris Bella pres |
Carthawiconi Z | Carthago | |
Gabriela keur |